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Wednesday Club Bible Skills

Do you remember getting your first Bible?

At Wednesday Club, First Presbyterian Church’s outreach program for children in kindergarten through 4th grade, we also give children their very own Bibles (International Children’s Bibles translated to a 3rd grade reading level).

Over the years we discovered that the children were most engaged in the lesson when they had a Bible in their hands. We’ve always spent time teaching some basic Bible skills and showing how to find our theme verses. This time we wanted to really focus on those skills. To do it we gave the new Wednesday Club kids their Bibles on the first day and encouraged returning kids to bring their Bibles as well. If they didn’t, no problem – we have plenty of Bibles to go around!

After reviewing Luke 6:31 – the Golden Rule that guides how we behave at Wednesday Club, we introduced the spring theme verse, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives…. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” from 2 Timothy 3 NLT.

We spent some time in the Old Testament with Daniel, in Psalm 23, and learning the Easter story and about some of Jesus’ miracles in the New Testament. The children did great! It was so much fun to see them improve their skills from week to week. Their excitement when they found a story we had shared in the past was contagious.

It is our prayer that the children continue to read their Bibles at home. We see Wednesday Club as an opportunity to plant the seeds of faith and water them as long as the children are with us. We trust that God will provide others to continue to tend that garden as they grow. We also pray that the children will share what they’ve learned with their friends and families and that lives will be transformed. We had a higher-than-average number of kids with a church home this spring, but still about half of the children do not have one. Many of the children speak a language other than English at home, and for those families their church home may be in a different community. It is a blessing to be able to offer them some time with Jesus on a Wednesday afternoon.

You can help with this ministry by praying for the children and volunteers, providing snacks, riding the bus, or helping on Wednesday afternoons. Contact the church office for more information: (641)753-5929



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