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Resources for thinking about justice

On Sunday morning in the sermon and in Sunday school we talked about justice. I stayed at a foundational level because justice is such a contentious topic and because we need firm foundations in order to even consider the issues of our day. However, the downside to staying at that foundational level is that we didn’t get into a lot of application. So, I want to offer a couple resources to help you consider application.

Tim Keller has a couple blog posts on the topic of justice. This one covers some of the same ground I covered on Sunday, but then applies it in 12 ways (we went through some of these ways in Sunday school). It is not a hard read, though it is a long blog post. If you want to go a bit deeper, this post is very helpful, though a bit more difficult to read. In it, Keller explains, analyzes, and critiques four of the major approaches to justice that he sees working in our culture today. If you want to follow the rabbit hole even deeper down (which I don't know if I recommend, but it only seems fair to offer some critique of Keller as well), David Fitch has a pair of blog posts (first this then this one) responding to Keller’s critique of critical theory that explains it further and makes some interesting points.

If you want to read further on justice, Keller’s book “Generous Justice” is quite good. I would also recommend “The Justice Calling” by Kristin Deede Johnson.

Of course, this is a short list, if you want more recommendations, I would be happy to give you more in person, just come talk to me. I will keep this short so you can go read a really long blog post or two on justice. – Pastor Bryan


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