Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, commonly known as PDA, is one of the ministries supported by our One Great Hour of Sharing gifts during Lent. PDA helps in times of disaster, just as its name suggests. It represents us, as Presbyterians, showing the church's love. In 2018, PDA supported First Presbyterian Church in the aftermath of the tornado. Many congregation members proudly wear their blue t-shirts with the organization's motto "OUT OF CHAOS, HOPE" on the back.
Today we bring the PC(USA) Mission Yearbook entry for June 6th to the blog. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance's director, Rev. Edwin Gonzalez-Castillo, and PDA's work for all people who need assistance in crisis, in the United States and abroad, are featured. Rev. Gonzalez-Castillo is also the guest on a half-hour podcast called "Between 2 Pulpits" discussing their work and how PDA works collaboratively within local communities. He shares stories of PDA doing God's work to bring about positive change to help people not only with their immediate needs following disaster, but to rebuild in more sustainable ways, creating relationships, and changing lives..
Interesting tidbit - PDA helped people in India find solutions to a cobra problem following severe flooding!
To read the Mission Yearbook post click here.
To listen to Rev. Gonzalez-Castillo talk about PDA's work, click here.
