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Living Water

On December 16, 2021, Typhoon Odette swept across the South Pacific and the hit the Philippines as a Category 5 storm with 1-minute sustained winds reaching 160mph bringing a death toll of 407 as of this posting. We have an update from our mission partners in the Philippines, Cobbie and Dessa Palm, who are safe following the storm. This message was sent to our Mission Committee chair Amy Drummer on December 19th:

Thank you for your concern and your letter is timely. We are trying to recover from a destructive typhoon that has come through our area this past weekend. This has been devastating and unfortunate being so close to the Christmas holidays. The typhoon came through our region and by the grace of God no lives were lost as far as we know now. However, damage to the homes and buildings have been extensive and disruption of power and communications systems left people in the dark for several days.

Several communities have been damaged to the extent that families have moved to evacuation centers. We are working as best we can to respond to the water needs in these evacuation centers and to requests by churches in the affected areas.

I will have more updates in the days ahead. Please keep us in your prayers.

Again, thank you for your concern,


The Palms sent us additional information last week:

Dear Amy and Friends at Marshalltown:

The holiday season has come, and greetings of the seasons joy have been difficult to compose and send off this year because we have been immersed in the disaster response to typhoon Odette (international name Rai).

I am sending this special greeting to you because you have stood by the work of Silliman Water Ministry and supported us on your continuing journey. The update on the attached document would not be possible without your compassion for the work that we do. Because of your support and prayers, we are able to give life through clean drinking water in this difficult time.

We are doing well and have remained safe. However, communities around us have been severely affected and we are doing all we can to be life giving.

We send you warm greetings of joy at this Holiday Season.

Blessings always,

Cobbie and Dessa

Click on the Odette Newsletter link below to see the information the Palms sent about their relief work with Silliman Water Ministry.


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