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Madagascar: The Turks, the Church, and Cyclone Batsirai

Elizabeth & Dan Turk have been back in Madagascar for a few months now after being home during the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since they've been back the country has been hit with heavy flooding and Cyclone Batsirai. The damage from Barsirai has been severe with over 330 churches damaged. Here is a recent update from them, including prayer requests.

Dear Friends at FPC,

Greetings from Madagascar! Yes, we made it back over to Madagascar at the end of last year, Dan on Nov 16th and Elizabeth on Dec 5th. It was wonderful to get home, see friends & colleagues, and get back to work in-person (with masks on, of course).

Much has happened in the 3 months that we have been back. We have been heartbroken to see the devastation that COVID-19 and the recent cyclone Batsirai have caused. We are ok, but so many others have suffered from the damage caused by Batsirai.

But amid the difficulties and heartbreak, we have repeatedly been inspired by the vision and faith of the FJKM church and the perseverance and dedication of our FJKM colleagues. Last year the FJKM held its General Assembly and declared in the midst of the pandemic that the church would continue its work of spreading the Gospel across Madagascar – the Gospel that changes lives. In these next 4 years, the FJKM will be sharing the Good News, building schools, challenging every church to be a “green” church, fighting COVID-19 to name just a few of its ministries.

Dan and colleagues have been very busy during this rainy season doing trainings, delivering trees to pilot “green” churches, and helping with many tree-planting events. Elizabeth has been busy working with colleagues in the FJKM AIDS Committee and health program carrying out the General Assembly’s mandate to help the FJKM fight COVID-19 in a more organized manner. More on both of our work in future updates.

Please read the information below from the Madagascar Mission Network to get the latest update on Cyclone Batsirai and prayer requests.

Robert is still in Chicago working as a counselor. Frances is now in Senegal for 9 months as a Fulbright scholar teaching English. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. The life-giving work that we do with the FJKM would not be possible without you.

Peace in Christ,

Elizabeth & Dan

FJKM pastor at Midongy with church under water

Update on Cyclone Batsirai from Madagascar Mission Network

FJKM President Irako Andriamahazosoa Ammi and other FJKM leaders returned from their trip to visit those impacted by Cyclone. The pictures and stories are sobering. As data about the destruction comes in, it is clear that it caused epic damage. The last cyclones to cause such damage were Gafilo in 2004 and Geralda in 1994. Current numbers (which should continue to rise), report over 330 churches have been damaged with 242 completely destroyed. Over 170 schools have been impacted leaving thousands of students out of classes. The FJKM church is calling on all of its churches and members to contribute to rebuilding schools and churches. The FJKM Development Department is working to assess the damage in isolated areas and help the government deliver aid. The Christians impacted by the cyclone have not given up hope and have already started rebuilding!

Prayer Requests

  • Please continue to pray for those impacted by the cyclone.

  • Please pray for FJKM leadership as they plan and coordinate efforts to rebuild destroyed churches and schools and assist those in need.

  • Please pray for the students out of school that schools can be repaired quickly.

  • Please pray that assessments can be done quickly so that those in need would start receiving assistance

Thank you for walking with the Malagasy people at this time. The Madagascar Mission Network Komity Our mailing address is: Madagascar Mission Network 23 Cove Rd Melbourne Beach, FL 32951-3621

Midongy under water after Cyclone Batsirai

Christians repairing Irondro Church

President Ammi visiting Irondro Church


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